It is that time of the process, the beginning stages of selling your house, that you need to make your home look better than it ever has before. Yeah, that means you have to clean the baseboards and actually scrub down walls and floors (for once!) to make it appealing for any potential buyer. One …
Category Archive: Featured
4 Creative Ways to Save Money This Summer
It is easy to overspend during the long summer days. After all, the kids are out of school, and the average individual enjoys letting go a bit during the summer. However, it is important for you to remain focused on your long-term financial goals even during the summer. Turn down the hot water Most of …
Beat the Summer Heat While Saving Money
Keeping cool during the summer months without the undertaking becoming a burden to your wallet can be a long and tedious battle. How much energy you and your family consume during the summer can put a real strain on your budget but there a several methods for combating the summer’s sweltering heat. Cool mist in …
The Benefits of Eating Dinner With Your Family – Guest Post
By Greg Fleischaker, author of a casual food and cooking blog at A third of U.S. families eat dinner together — at the table, seven nights a week. This finding comes from the 2013 Welch’s Kitchen Table Report. “It might feel like the traditional ideal of a family gathered for dinner is …

5 Cheap Green Home Makeover Ideas
If you live in an older home, reducing your family’s environmental impact might be easier than you think. Even for beginning DIYers, there are simple, cheap fixes that can make your home greener and less expensive to live in. Here are a few of the easiest projects to get you started. Clean your A/C condenser …