The little princess starts her dance class tonight so that’s always a fun time – oh wait, no it isn’t and I leave that to her mother. This is her second year and she actually does a pretty damn good job for only being 3 years old. The dance recital – well, that was pretty …
Category Archive: Featured

Sky Ball Golf Review – thumbs down!
Hyper Charged Sky Ball Golf by Review Let me set the scene before we dive into Sky Ball Golf — it’s the little man’s sixth birthday, and everyone is asking “what should I get him?” We recently went into his room before our trip to the beach and looked around for some toys …

Top Cereals in the HD Household
Top Cereals I’ve Eaten (both with my daughter and by myself) Lucky Charms – My daughter is a freak for Lucky Charms and she got that from me. Lucky Charms is a no-brainer in the HD household, but my daughter has caught on that she loves the marshmallows so much that she leaves the rest …

Reaction To President Obama’s Speech
I completely forgot that President Obama was speaking last night but I’m glad I remembered just in time. I’m not going to sit and here and preach about whether I’m a Democrat or Republican, but I will say that I didn’t vote straight party last election and went against what I’m actually registered as. That …

Top Karaoke Songs
Top Karaoke Songs (I’ve either sang myself or heard other sing!) (in no particular order…) Sweet Caroline (Neil Diamond) – Honestly, when doing a karaoke song, you need crowd interaction. And what is better than “da da da” and “so good, so good, so good”! This is an easy one – hell I’ve done it …