Movies I would sit down and watch again and again. Some of these are just fun, some will teach your little one something. In fact 8 of the 10 of these we own in Blu-Ray or DVD in our house (in no particular order…)
Here are my Top Sports Movies for Kids.
Rocky – If you can’t watch Rocky with your little one, then what can you watch!?!? Tells a story and an ultimate lesson in life.
Rookie of the Year – It makes the list for the baseball heckling terms alone, beware your little one may pick up a few new slogans “Pitcher’s got a big butt”
The Sandlot – All about kids playing pickup baseball – what’s better than that? Other than the mean dog at the end. We literally had to buy a second copy of this one in our house, from overuse.
Rudy – Even though I hate Notre Dame, I still love the end of this movie when the fans are chanting “Rudy, Rudy, Rudy”
Angels in the Outfield – Tony Danza and Doc Brown in one movie, enough said!
– One more Ollie, one more and we’re going all the way! I can still remember the Saturday afternoon my Dad sat me down and made me watch this, thanks Dad.
Remember The Titans- Strong side, left side! Deep undertones in this one.
Miracle – Even though the little ones won’t understand the significance of this, it is a hell of a movie to watch!
The Rookie – Makes you feel like you have a chance no matter stage of your life.
Little Big League – You are trying to tell me it wouldn’t be a dream to be an owner of a team at the ripe old age of 12?!?!
Thoughts? Other suggestions? Let me have ‘em!